2016 was a challenging year. I have no doubt it was globally challenging for all, but for me it was about undoing lifetimes of behaviors that not only no longer served me but that I really hated, yes hated. When there is that deep knowing of yourself that walks hand-in-hand with a deep dislike and resentment of self, the work is, by nature, going to rock your foundation. Had it been done-and-done by the end of the year, well hallelujah but of course it doesn't work that way. There is often a big result but the work continues, it's always ongoing, the peeling of layers if you will. So as last year ended and this year began, I was not only commissioned to continue the restoration of my personal power, retrieving it from lifetimes, but at the same time setting out on a new directive, moving forward. Forward, this is my word for 2017.
I have to say I'm not quite sure what the "forward" is going to ask of me but I have recently gotten a peek that it will be multi-dimensional, through many areas of my life. So far it's been focused on understanding and acknowledging the multidimensional aspects of us as humans. Several times within the past two weeks I was shown multidimensional places within myself and others. And I of course now have to ask, why is it we don't live as though we are multidimensional beings? Something to unfold this year I'm sure.
This 'forward' directive for me has recently expanded into the creation of art. Art, painting, creating. writing, has forever (and I mean forever) been in my being. I also have to say that in this lifetime it walks hand-in-hand with fear and doubt. In the past few weeks I have been offered three different opportunities to step into the creative painting aspect of my 'forward' manifesto. Scary, yes. Terrifying actually. But I also have to say it just feels right. While my first response is fear and doubt it is immediately moved out by excitement, anticipation and expectation. It's as though all I have to do is show up (and how timely that I wrote about this recently). It feels divinely laid out, predestined, It feels done.
This is when I know I'm on the right path, that I am in perfect sync with Source, the Universe. Whatever my fear is, wherever I doubt myself, I know with all certainty that this is exactly where I am supposed to be this year, this is happening. This knowing of it already being done. One more place in my life where I acknowledge the multidimensional spaces that are all around and within us. One more moment in my life when I know that my showing up is really the only thing I need to do because the rest of it, It's already done.
Show up Sisters. Be brave. Follow your Divine leading. Acknowledge your knowing. Believe. Recognize your multidimensional presence. Trust. It's already done.