Sacred Return
Coaching Within Ceremony

Hello Beautiful.
Maybe you have a feeling of loss, or sadness. Is there a new ache or pain in your physical body? Does life feel dull or nothing feels the same?You may even feel as though you are losing your grip on reality. Your relationships feel strained or disconnected. There are even some days when you don’t know who you are anymore.
This, this is your call! You are being called to an awakening. You are being called to trust the process of unraveling all you ever believed, all you ever thought was real. You are being called to trust the unraveling of You.
Hello beautiful Soul and welcome. My name is Robin Kimbrel-Wiggs and I am your Sacred Guide. I will walk with you through your journey and I will show you the beautiful, sensitive, radiant being that you are.
Through Shamanic Journeying, Shamanic Practices and healing techniques we, my Helping Spirits and I, will guide you through these shifts in your reality and how you show up in the world.
I call this your Sacred Return, coaching within ceremony. Its’ a return to self, to truth, Your truth. Not a social, canned, programmed truth. Not your family’s truth, but your authentic soul truth.
This approach to awakening is different because it’s YOU! We go directly to the source, your Guides, your Higher Self, your Helping Spirits and your beloved Ancestors. In this other realm is where we draw closer and connect with your Soul Truth.
This gift of a Sacred Return is not to be taken lightly. It’s not a one time “fix” and you go on your way. This was a gift from my Guides and is for Womxn and Men who are feeling this loss of self, this disconnect from everything you believed to be true. It is for those who are ready to fully step forward in the world and acknowledge their unique gifts. It’s for those who may still be fearful but are ready and courageous enough to step into the abyss.
As we work together, we will Uncover gifts and traits that have been forgotten, judged or shamed away, as well as belief systems that keep you from knowing yourself on a soul level.
We will Recover aspects of you that may have been left along the way in this life as well as past lives.
You will Re-member who you are at your soul and how beautiful and magnificent and powerful you are and how beautiful and fulfilling this life can be.
Sacred Return, coaching within ceremony and a return to soul.
If you feel called, if any of these symptoms are where you are today, please call. The Discovery Call is free, and I would love to talk with you and I would be honored to be your Sacred Guide to your Sacred Return.
Thank you for being here, for showing up and for being courageous enough to say Yes.
3 Month Soul contract $999.00
6 Month Soul contract $1998.00
9 Month Soul contract $2997.00
12 Month Soul contract $3996.00
Payment plans available
$375 per month